2021 has been an extraordinary year, both socially and economically. After the COVID19 related slowdown in the economy in 2020, order intake picked up unexpectedly strongly. This was accompanied by new challenges in component supply, and everyone is talking about the chip shortage. With significant effort, we have been able to accommodate the shortage of raw materials well to date and largely maintain our ability to supply. According to forecasts, the obstacles we are currently facing will continue to accompany us well into 2022. For this reason, we are constantly optimizing our processes and finding solutions that will enable us to maintain an optimum supply capability in the future.
In view of the circumstances, we would like to thank you most sincerely for your trust and loyalty to STW under exceptional circumstances. We know that this is not something to be taken for granted.
With the knowledge of your trust, we look to the coming year with even more confidence. Already in 2021, we have been working on a large number of innovative projects and products, which we will present to you in detail in the coming year, hopefully in person again. Of course, we will continue to use the latest technology to drive forward the digitization and automation of mobile machines and, as innovation enablers, provide the basis for smart machines and solutions.
We wish you peaceful holidays, a restful time, and a start to the new year filled with strength and optimism. We look forward to shaping the future together with you. Above all, we wish you and your families’ good health.
Christmas Greeting